This year our holiday was a wash- literally. It rained a hard, steady rain the entire day. We had a great plan- we were going to meet a friend for BBQ, hang out at the house for a bit, and then take our lawn chairs to the park at the end of the block to watch the fireworks (the advantage of living so close to downtown). Instead, we met our friend for BBQ, but then just came home and stayed there. We couldn't get motivated to dress up the baby and take her out in the rain to maybe see the fireworks. It just sounded like zero fun. So, instead we watched the New York fireworks on tv and were thoroughly disappointed. Oh, and since we live so close to downtown, even though we didn't choose to watch them, we still heard them loud and clear. In fact, it felt like we were smack dab in the middle of an artillery range. The oven was literally vibrating from all the explosions. And it lasted a good, long time. Nashville claimed that it was going to be its biggest, best show ever. I'm not sure about that, but it was definitely the loudest. Hopefully next year the weather will be more cooperative and we'll get to introduce little watermelon to her first fireworks show.
love her flirty look in her patriotic attire!