Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Activity Cube

The bad news is that I threw out my back on Sunday.  Fortunately, it wasn't nearly as bad as last time and essential oils have been making a huge difference.  Today I had an appointment with my old neighbor, who is also a physical therapist.  I took Tater Tot over to her house for a session.  Her work area is actually set up in the garage, so out there we went to get to work.  She put a blanket on the floor for Little Miss and I reached into the diaper bag for some toys for her to play with.  My neighbor then placed this activity cube on the blanket.  I mentioned that I was looking for one of those for Little Miss and you could literally see the wheels spinning in her head.  Her youngest is 4 1/2 years old and she was looking to get rid of it.  We quickly arranged a sale and I walked away with a really cool activity cube for a steal of a price, as well as getting my back tuned up and cleared again for running.

When we got home I put the cube in the family room, showed Little Miss a few things she could try and let her go to town.  At first, she was more interested in using it to pull up on:


However, she then got interested in one of the sides.  She was particularly fond of opening and closing the door- she must've spent at least 10 minutes on that one activity.  You can tell how focused she is just by looking at her tongue:


I haven't seen her really explore the other sides yet, but there's always tomorrow.  


  1. Hi, I'm glad you are feeling better. Love the activity cube. I'm glad Little Miss likes it. I see a mouth full of teeth. Can't wait to see everybody.

    Love, Mary Ellen

    Sent from my iPad


  2. Girl definitely has some teeth! Check out the monthly update. It should be up soon, depending on if Little Miss cooperates or not:)
