Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hugs & Cuddles, Cuddles & Hugs

One of the nice things about living just a few hours from one side of our cousins, is that we get to see them fairly regularly.  The girls are particularly interested in each other.  It's a horrible angle for Tater Tot, but here is a cousin shot from when Tater Tot was 3 months old:



Then there were special cuddles at her 1st birthday party:


And last weekend we got to see her again.  She and her mom were in town for a friend's birthday party and were able to break away to have lunch with us.  Sweet Pea just kind of studied her cousin throughout lunch, but when it was time to go and asked if she wanted to give her cousin a hug, she wasted no time:


She's never given a hug on command before and definitely isn't one to do anything she doesn't want to do.  I love to watch the relationship build between these two.  I have some cherished memories with some of my cousins and I hope that these girls will have the same.  

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