Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Garage Sale

We casually started the process of getting rid of all our stuff a few months ago.  We've been listing stuff on Craigslist and I've been selling things off as I hear friends say that they're looking for things that I happen to have.  That's definitely been getting us decent prices, but we wanted to really make a dent in some of the smaller stuff, or stuff that might not be worth taking the time to list on CL.  Twice a year our community has a garage sale and we decided to participate this time.  We spent the weekend before gathering and pricing all our stuff and got it all ready to go this weekend.
This was the first time I ever hosted a garage sale.  It was interesting.  I feel like I priced things ready to sell, and even then many people tried to offer half.  We learned that hubs was ready to take anything whereas I was a harder to move.  Usually it went in my favor.  Some creative marketing also helped.  This girl bought this picture I was selling.
What was it a picture of?  I'm not sure.  I can tell you it wasn't a family picture or a picture of an animal.  I hope that she likes it- she definitely had a good sense of humor about it.  Where was Little Miss while this was happening?  She was with the babysitter doing really fun things like this:
At the end of the sale we moved a fair amount of stuff, but I still made hubs take 2 car loads of stuff to Goodwill.  I took the clothes that didn't sell and put them right back on the closet already tagged.  They were mostly summer clothes anyway so they'll be ready for the Spring sale.  If they don't sell after that I'll send those on to Goodwill as well.  We made some money, but I think that by the time we factored in how much we spent on babysitting and put any sort of value on our time it wasn't really worth it to do.  In the future we'll most likely just donate anything that's worth less than $5 and then try to CL the rest.  We currently have the luxury of time as we try to downsize.  If for some reason we need to speed up, donation will become even more appealing. It was a fun day and we got to know some of the neighbors on the alley better.  By the end of it, I came inside to find Little Miss playing like this:
Looks like garage sales wear her out, too.

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