Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Little Bunny

It's starting to get cold down here and we've been experimenting with hats and coats to keep Sugar Pop toasty warm.  I've been looking for a fleece coat and am having a really hard time.  I found this one at a consignment store and am using it, but am not thrilled with it.  But, the hats!  The hats for little girls are so adorable and make me so glad that I have a little girl to dress up.  Animal hats are all the rage- she has a lamb hat that's pretty darn adorable, but check out this bunny hat.




The little puff in the back gets me every time I see it.  The only problem is that the hat is a little on the large side.  It's not unusual to see the puff in the front of her head.  If that's not the case and the hat stays the right way around, it's common to discover that you've been strolling her around with the hat completely covering her eyes and coming down to the nose.  She never complains about it and we're wondering how she stays so mellow with the 'wool pulled completely over her eyes.' Daddy finally figured out that you could flip the bottom trim up and it would stay put better.  I'm hoping that we'll get to use it all of this season and maybe next.  Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Simply adorable! Some elastic even elastic thread would "tighten " it up just basted thru the hat in a running stitch or just thread basted through and pulled to make it a little tighter.
    Anna is so cute whether her hat is down, up, or fluffy tail gollywhampus kattycornered!!
