Sunday, June 15, 2014

Learning Tower of the Kitchen

Hubs and I decided it would be nice for him to make something for Pumpkin's first birthday.  We thought about it and I came up with the idea to make a learning tower.  They're great for safely getting kids to counter height so they can be more involved with whatever you're doing.  She could help me do things in the kitchen, but also help Daddy to things out in the garage.  They're also expensive to buy, but the materials are relatively cheap.  He agreed it would be a good idea and started the project.  Here it is finished:


He added cute details like the fruit for her to put her feet in when she figures out how to climb into it.  In the meanwhile, I just lift her in.  We decided to try a little art time since she was up there.  This is her first time working with markers.  


She enjoyed drawing with the markers, but seemed to enjoy playing with the caps and putting them back on the markers more. I'm so grateful to hubs for building a tool to allow Little Miss to be a more active participant in our daily activities.

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful . When she outgrows it PLS save for your grand kids
