Saturday, June 7, 2014

Moving Water

I mentioned earlier that we lucked out with our water table situation this year.  We bought one cheap at a garage sale and then were given one by our neighbors.  Last weekend while I was in California, Hubs and Sugar Pop stayed home and had some daddy-daughter bonding time.  At some point during the weekend he moved one of the water tables under the portico for all day shade.  This turned out to be an excellent move.  It's harder to empty and fill, but Sugar Pop now casually stops by on her way in from the garage or when I'm outside hanging out clothes.  The other day we came home from a play date and she played at the water table while I was able to put out some clothes.  It's right next to the double doors to the play room, so I can slip in and out and supervise while I get errands done.  I think we found a winning spot here.  


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