Thursday, December 12, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year for turkey day we went to my family in Illinois. As it becoming typical, I forgot to take any pictures because I was more absorbed in spending time with my family than taking pictures of them. It was fun to see the aunts, uncles, cousins and my grandma. This year was fun because my uncle took all the VHS tapes he had of Thanksgivings past and had them turned into DVD. It was fun reliving old years, although I'm sure it was more entertaining for hubs to see his young bride.
Little Miss didn't actually partake of any of the food at the Thanksgiving meal because we're not yet giving her meat, and all the other food wasn't plain enough to give a baby. Oops. However, Grandma bought a bright new high chair to be kept at her house when we come visit. It's pretty cool because it can convert to a table and chair when Sugar Pop outgrows the need for the high chair. I'm all for things that serve multiple purposes and can grow with the child. However, I digress. Here's Little Miss Messy eating a meal with us. Sometimes we find it's easier to take off her clothes and let her go to town than to cover her up with bibs and deal with stain removal later. We hope that your holiday was great.

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