Thursday, February 6, 2014

Date Night!

Date Night!

Hubs and I are lucky that we've been able to go on several dates since Little Miss came along. We have great babysitters in my old co-workers or willing family members. Aunty Judy and Uncle Mike were also in FL and volunteered to watch our little angel while hubs and I had a date. We felt a little guilty since we just had a night off for the wedding, but we've learned to accept help whenever people offer. Hubs and I went out for dinner and our first movie post-baby (The Wolf of Wall Street) while Aunty Judy and Uncle Mike stayed at the condo with Little Miss. They pulled out old toys, ate a meal and hung out watching tv. When we came back our Cocoa Pop was cuddled up with Uncle Mike. It was a lovely way to spend our last night in Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely night for us too! And grandma helped play with Baby too! A very fun night! Hope to have another "play date " with Anna and a night out for you again! And again! Thanks for sharing Her Royal Sweetness! Xoxox M and J

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