Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Fall Walk in the Woods

Florida was upper 80's all week and the water was the perfect temperature.  Summer was extended.  Once we got back home, reality struck hard.  We had one more day before hubs had to go back to work and he decided to spend it catching up on work at the garage.  Little Miss and I were on our own and we decided to head out for a hike.  The temperatures were cool, the humidity was low and fall was definitely in the air.  Normally during our hikes I wear her for most of it and then let her down at the end.  Sometimes she gets to walk a bit more if we go with our friend who also has a toddler.  Today since it was just the two of us, I let her down pretty early on.  I was so impressed with how far and fast she was able to go!
At one point she was running so fast that I had to run to keep up with her!  She did the first trail so well that when we hit a connector to another trail I asked her if she wanted to take that one as well.  She was up for it and we had a great walk.  At one point she did want to hang out at a particular bench for quite a while.
We looked at the leaves, talked about Fall coming, watched people walking on the trail down below and just chilled for a while before resuming the hike.  All in all we were out for 2 amazing hours.  I'm happy to wear her on hikes, but if she's going to do it herself at a reasonable pace, then I'm also happy for a hiking buddy.  I'm glad that I'm raising a child that loves to be outdoors and appreciates nature.

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