Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Best Day Ever

For as long as I can remember, Saturdays are reserved for Hubs to spend at the garage.  After a full week of full-on parenting, I pull deep down into the reserves and try to do fun things to fill the day.  This is probably more for my sanity than for Little Miss.  Yesterday was one of those rare, super-full days where we had an amazing time and enjoyed everything the entire day.  Little Miss and I began with a drive out to the country for a huge craft fair.  Here she is looking way too cute, but not wanting me to take a picture.

It was our first time there and we didn't anticipate the crowds.  The country road was backed up over a mile with cars trying to get in and find parking.  Once we got there and parked, I had Little Miss on my back for most of it, which she didn't seem to mind and made me incredibly grateful for not having a stroller.  The highlight for her was getting her face painted for the first time.  She chose a ladybug.
We were there for several hours and had lunch- the sure recipe for a car nap.  After picking up a few things we headed back to town.  Sure enough, it was only a few minutes before Little Miss was out.  There happened to be another festival near our house that same day.  Since some hot rods next to us woke up Little Miss with their loud cars, we headed straight to the festival.  We'd never been before, but it was absolutely perfect.  It was full of sunshine, 60 degrees, and had so many things for her to do, that it was hard to get it all in!  
First, she got to feed some chickens.
She began by feeding them in cups, but by the end she let them eat from her hand.  There were also several animals in a pen that she could pet.  Unfortunately, there was also a turkey that terrified her.
The absolute highlight of the experience was a pony ride.
They were free, and she liked them so much that she had no problem waiting in line several times to get more turns.
After she was ready to try something else, we found a farmer area.  You could do things like play with corn:

Or weigh produce on a scale.
Another highlight was a huge sandbox filled with dried corn instead of sand.  I couldn't believe how many kids were in there and there was absolutely no fighting.

We then headed over to watch some live music.  Now this is how you enjoy a concert!
Right next to the concert was a musical petting zoo where you could try different instruments.  She got to play a banjo, mandolin, dulcimer and violin.

We then went back for more pony rides and since the guy at that point knew her by name, he brought out a chicken for her to hold.
That girl is fearless!  There was one more pony ride and then we had to go.  We were there for 3 hours, which in toddler time is like 4 years.  She was still going strong and we didn't even explore all of the kids' area, much less the rest of the festival.  
We picked up Daddy and then went to a friend's house to have dinner.  We didn't leave until 9:00 and how she was still awake was a mystery to me.  She did fall asleep on the ride home, but we had an incredibly full day full of activity with no drama.  Chalk that up on the record books!

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