Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy 5 Month Birthday, Butter Bean!



Can you believe that my precious girl is 5 months old already?  Trust me, there are days that seem to drag on forever, but I can't believe how quickly the months are flying by.  I'm so glad that I do these monthly recaps, because it's fun to see how much she's grown in just a month's time.  I'm sure this won't always be the case, but she sure is changing quickly now.

Month 5- By the Numbers

Weight- almost 19 lbs.

Diaper Size- 3

Bum Genius- Still 2-3 snaps in the middle depending on time/day, but moved up to the middle snaps for the rise

Clothes Size- 6-9 mos.

#oz drunk/day- switched to about 5 6 oz bottles a day, the last bottle is usually less

Road Trips- none!

Favorite things- rolling onto her tummy, exersaucer, jumparoo, smiling at the neighbors when they say hello and then quickly turning her head

Things that make her laugh- kissing her tummy, blowing on/kissing her feet, moving her body so she can dance, hanging her upside down

New Discovery: using her hands to do things/move objects, squawking like a parrot, blowing raspberries.  Man, can this girl 'talk!'



  1. Can you believe how precious goose has grown? Such beautiful smiles!

  2. What a cutie; what a clever Mama
