Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Who's Afraid of the Big Blue Ball?

When I was pregnant I used the exercise ball often to sit on and to help me do some stretching exercises.  Afterwards, when I threw out my back, the ball came in handy for some physical therapy.  Unfortunately, with such a small house there's no good place to store the ball, so we put it between the couch and server.  We discovered two things when I used it early on: 1) Huck is deathly afraid of it if you play with it at all and 2) he actually likes it when it's 'put away' because it makes a little roof over his bed.  

Fast forward a few months and the ball lost some of its air, making it easier to slip down to the pillow below.  Oops.  Huck's fear returned full force and he wouldn't go anywhere near his pillow until we fixed it.  Even so, he's still not so sure...






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