Thursday, October 3, 2013

Darling, Meet Bob.

Darling, Meet Bob.

Little Miss is growing like a weed and soon she'll be too big for her infant car seat. We already purchased a larger one but have yet to install it. Getting rid of the car seat also means new strollers since our current one is merely a frame designed to carry the car seat. It was great and served its purpose, but it's now time to move on.
Since I've started to get back into running and we're heading into cooler weather outside, I'd love to be able to take Little Miss on runs with me around town. Every runner I've talked to assures me that the Bob stroller is the way to go. It's the Cadillac of strollers, the Paula Radcliffe, if you will. The problem is that they have a price tag to match. Hubs and I began stalking Sir Craig and his List a few weeks ago and he found a steal of a deal on one that we were able to snap up. (PSA: If you're looking for a particular item on CL that you know is expensive and you see if for a really good price, don't try to further haggle it down, you'll only tick the seller off and risk losing it completely.) It's still not recommended that I go running with her for a few more months until she can sit up and has better head control, but we have started taking her for walks in it. It's all they said it was and more. After the first 5 months in a very basic, stripped down stroller, moving to this is heavenly. It glides over the brick sidewalks and passes over things that used to stop up the old stroller with ease. I'm sold.
Little Miss seems to like it as well. She took a while to explore the larger digs and continues to play with the mosquito netting while we walk.


  1. C'mon Mom! I'm ready to go!!!!!

  2. grandma's favorite color and precious love,too!
