Friday, October 25, 2013


Little Miss is growing up fast- too fast if you ask me.  She still fit in the infant car seat, but it was so darn heavy to lug in and out of the house it was getting to be a real pain.  We started just leaving it in the car, which was in issue when I wanted to go walking and we needed it as part of the stroller.  When we got the new stroller it meant that we could leave the car seat in the car.  Great, right?  I would say yes, except the latch mechanism on the car seat was very difficult to attach and Little Miss was working her way towards the weight and height limits of the seat.  We decided to bite the bullet and get the larger seat.  We knew it was coming up anyway and it was an opportunity to get a latch that was a bit easier on us.  Here's her first time getting buckled in.





And what's that she's looking at?



Mamaw was here visiting!  They got to hang out in the back seat together and look at each other adoringly for the week.  Little Miss seems to be much happier in her seat and it has much more space for her.  It's very cushy so I'm hoping she'll be pretty comfortable in it during long car rides.  We have one coming up next month...

1 comment:

  1. we eagerly await her reaction when she comes to see us!!!
