Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Elves' Faire

The local Waldorf school has a Elves' Faire each year and I decided that Little Miss was big enough this year to actually enjoy it.  It was a little chilly, but not cold and there were tons of things to do.
When we arrived we found a puppet show in one of the classrooms.  It was presented in an interesting way, but the story was a bit too long for Little Miss- she got wiggly.  After that we came out and I allowed her to do the unthinkable....Little Miss got her first tattoo.

She chose a beautiful butterfly and cherished that thing for a week until it finally washed off.  She also enjoyed the live music, getting up close to the stage and even doing a little dancing (and more checking out of her tattoo).
There was a climbing wall there and I thought I'd let my little monkey give it a try.  You can see her getting the harness on:
but I have no pictures of climbing itself as I was the spotter.  She did brilliantly until I could no longer reach her and then she declared herself done.  She challenged herself and did well enough that I'd like to get her some climbing lessons at a local place to try next year.
We went to their outdoor play area and made fairy wands and just enjoyed the space.
Finally, we got a little treat at the bake sale and found a beautiful are to enjoy it.

I loved the tulle they used and the colors they chose.  I wonder if we could try something like that in our backyard at some point.  There was so much more that we didn't do- classrooms full of crafts for older kids, a secret angel room, archery, and traditional crafts to buy.  She had an absolute blast and I can see how she'll love different aspects of it for years to come.  Can't wait to go again next year!

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