Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Babies & Books

Babies & Books

A few weeks ago (last month?) I posted a picture of Little Miss at story time. The library has quite an elaborate setup and it was a great program....for older kids. Luckily, our library also has a Babies & Books program. This is much more appropriate for our little one. There are some finger plays, books, songs, and lots of fun. It's much smaller and shorter, and developmentally appropriate for my little watermelon. I love that the parents all sit in a circle with their babies and the toddlers are allowed to roam the room to dance or whatever. The teacher also begins each session with literacy tips for babies, which I really appreciate. She's taking August off and will be sorely missed, but we'll be excited to come back in September. In the meanwhile, we're trying to find a program at another library in town so we can keep enjoying this.


  1. never too soon to enjoy a good story. not all are in books. one of my favorite memories is my dad making up stories for us during dinner. i miss them and him. wish we had tape recorded at least one.
