Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Brunch Club

The Brunch Club

While Daddy loves his little girl, he's often busy on the weekends trying to get things done around the house. And while I appreciate that things get done, it often means that there's no relief for me. Mom's groups have been saving my sanity and I find that I really look forward to different events on different days. After last weekend it occurred to me that I could arrange 'play dates' with my friends. Even though they don't have kids, it still gives me something to look forward to and adult interaction during the day. This Sunday we met my friend Tracy for brunch. It was really nice introducing the two of them and I got to try a new restaurant. I think that we'll try to do it more often as it was a really good way to reconnect and get to explore the city. Anyone with good brunch recommendations can let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Look at this photo and the one you took at 1 month old. Goodness! Where did you take her 3 mo. pic?
