Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Big Date

We were lucky when the grandmas were here that we were able to go out on mini-dates.  This usually included dinner out with maybe some ice cream afterwards.  Just getting out of the house without a baby to worry about is a treat. But last night we finally ventured out on our own for an extended period of time.  We were able to get tickets to see a concert that had Guster, Ben Folds 5 and Barenaked Ladies.  I remember these bands from my college days and I loved watching BNL in concert when I was younger.  Any chance to recapture my youth is welcome now.  So...who to watch String Bean?  Call in the pros, of course.  Ms. Jacquee and I taught together at my last job and there's no one I would trust more to watch our precious little girl.  Here's a picture of the two of us together.  Imagine that I didn't forget until the end of the night to take the picture and instead of holding the flowers we gave her, Jacquee is holding our darling girl.  



Once Jacquee arrived and got settled we were off.  We got to enjoy all the bands, eat some food truck fare and enjoy being a couple again.  Bliss.

ImageAnd while Guster and Ben Folds 5 were both okay and longer than we would have preferred, BNL did not disappoint and were just as good I remembered them being before.


1 comment:

  1. Date nights should be a regularly scheduled deal. It is too easy to be taken over by daily life & overlook the best part of it: being together with the spouse you chose. xo
