Thursday, August 28, 2014

Happy 15 Month Birthday, Jelly Bean!

I acknowledge that this post is nearly a month overdue, but sometimes life is like that.  Can you believe that my little gorgeous girl who started out like this:
now looks like this?

The end of July marked her 15 month well visit and Little Miss is dropping in the rankings!  She weighed in at 23.0 lbs (lower than her last checkup!) which is only 77th percentile.  Her height was 31.75 in (88th percentile) and her head was 18.25 in (70th percentile).  While she's still above average, I haven't seen all three numbers out of the 90s before.  That being said, she had a huge meltdown at the Dr's office and it was very difficult to take those measurements.  I think that they might be skewed.  Rather than keep up with a monthly rundown, I've decided to share 15 interesting facts about Little Miss in honor of her 15 months.

15.  Her way of saying 'more' is taking a closed fist and hitting it into her opposite palm.  You can gauge her hunger by how emphatically she hits her fist.

14.  She's obsessed with the dishwasher- the silverwear specifically.  She races from wherever she is when she hears the dishwasher open and immediately unloads the silverware, irregardless if whether it's clean or dirty.  I have her help me unload the silver wear when I put the dishes away and she loves it.

13.  She's already received her first kiss.

12.  Her favorite colors are blue and orange- at least that's what she always chooses when selecting paint.

11.  Her hair is finally long enough for hair bows.  Even though they're not necessary, I still put them in her hair.  She sometimes likes them.

10.  I finally found one thing Little Miss gets from me- she loves to dance.  If she sees me dancing she demands to be picked up and won't let me put her down until I'm finished.  She's just starting to dance on her own, but it mostly involves small knee bends.

9.  I call hubs 'Sparky' and her 'Magoo.'  These nicknames have no basis except they tickled my fancy one day and have stuck.

8.  She is getting her molars in.  While this caused pain and many sleepless nights for her friends, she doesn't seem to be affected by it.

7.  Every time I nurse her or wear her, she always has at least one hand playing with my hair.

6.  She refuses to go down the stairs in a normal baby way.  She insists I hold her hand and she walks down like an adult.

5.  She loves shoes.  She gets really excited when she sees that we've brought them out and rushes to the couch so we can put them on.  She also loves moving ours around the house.  Knowing this, it perplexes us that she looses her 'stuff' at the shoe store.

4.  We have a box with some toys for her to play with in the car.  When we open the car door to get her out, she holds up the box for us to take.

3.  She's our little fruit bat.  She starts each meal with the fruit and demands ours if we haven't eaten it quickly enough.

2.  The family member who receives the most love and affection is Huck.  She says 'va' when she gives him kisses and he gets lots of pets throughout the day.

1.  When she wants you to lift her up she goes up and down on her tippy toes.

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