Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Midwestern Tour

It's pretty hard for hubby to get rid of his stuff because he never has time to photograph it, list it, and manage the listings.  I decided to give him a week to just focus on that and I took Little Miss for a great tour up North.  Our first stop on the big trip was Indianapolis, where we got to see Tio Daniel.  She loved sitting with him and using the remote to turn the candles in the fireplace on and off.
They were quite cozy all cuddled up in their pj's.  
Hubs and I will be going down to one car next year.  In preparation for this, we are thinking that we'll need to figure out a new biking solution to be able to fit Little Miss as well as perhaps, groceries.  Hubs has been researching cargo bikes and there was one in Indy he wanted me to check out and test drive.  Here's Little Miss in it at the shop.

The thing was a beast.  It weighs between 85-90 lbs and took me about 3 tries before I was able to even get going.  I rode it for a while and while I think that I would eventually get used to it, it really intimidates me.  I think that I still want to opt for a bike trailer.  However, that's neither here nor there...back to the trip.
We had to leave Indy so we could travel north to Chicago.  Mama had a date for the Bears game, you see.
My Uncle Mike has season tickets and my cousin Lizzie was in town, so I had to take advantage of some cousin/aunt/uncle bonding time at the game.  It was freezing and we were wearing multiple layers, but the seats were great, the Bears won, we had an amazing dinner in Chicago, and I got to spend the whole day with people I love.  It was great.
While we were in Chicago, I took Little Miss back to the dentist who performed her lip and tongue revisions.  I wanted him to reassess her lip to see if the tie had grown back.  Luckily, it hadn't and we were given a clean bill of dental health.  While we were up there, my cousin Jessamyn came with her adorable son and we all had lunch together.
We then went to Quincy to visit Great-Grandma.  We spent one morning in the pool at her home, and the next morning swimming at the hotel pool.  I don't have pictures, but Little Miss loved it and all the other people at Grandma's home loved seeing a little one running around.  I don't have enough pictures of them together.  Darn!  Somehow, the only picture I have from that leg of the trip was the play place we stopped at at some random McDonald's.  She was way too little for it, but she enjoyed just being able to walk around.

Then it was back to the farm.  She had her own little table to work and play at, or just sit like a Granny and rock.
Our last morning at the farm, we went walking at a local mall and got to play at the little toddler play area.  She made friends.
She leap-frogged a frog.
She got all her energy out because, before we knew it, it was time to head back to Indianapolis and see Tio again.  We went to Qdoba where she tried to look like him:
But the best part was a Thanksgiving meal that Tio hosted.  It was a potluck meal complete with deep fried turkey.  We didn't taste the turkey, but Little Miss enjoyed the rest of it.
You can tell that we're getting older because this Thanksgiving had a kids table.  After that, it was time to head back down South.  We really missed Daddy and it was time to get some cuddles- FaceTime isn't a long term solution.  It was a fun trip and we were grateful for everyone's hospitality and the time we got to spend with our dear friends and family.  Hopefully we'll be able to do another version soon that doesn't entail quite so much driving for Mommy.

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