Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tiny Homes Tour- Surprise- Happy Thanksgiving

Ok- we had a lot of things happen in a very short space of time.  I'm not sure how to break it out without being choppy, so apologies for this hodgepodge post.  A few weeks ago our family had the opportunity to see three tiny homes all in one location.  It was really cool.  Because I was balancing a toddler and a puppy with trying to explore all the nooks and crannies, I didn't get great pictures.  Uncle Jon was able to join us (he's considering going tiny someday) and it was amazing to us how big those spaces could feel.  Here are just a few pics I was able to get. 

We definitely got a lot of ideas for storage and how to live once we go small.  It's a good thing that we got those ideas because we decided that in order to save money for the upcoming garage renovation and to practice living small we would rent out our beautiful suburban home and downsize to an apartment.  While Little Miss and I were on our great Midwestern tour, hubs was showing the house and found some great tenants to move in at the new year. Right after we got back from our big Midwestern trip (literally, the next evening) we got a text from the tenants with an offer we couldn't refuse to move out by December 1.  This was November 24.  Surprise! We had just 6 days to pack up an entire house and move.  While we hadn't yet packed a single box, we had started the big downsize.  That helped immensely.  
So, while hubs searched online for apartments for us, I began gathering boxes and packing up the house.  Since it was Thanksgiving week, we were lucky that hubs was off work for 2 additional days to help.  When it came to Thanksgiving dinner, well, let's just say that it was lucky that we celebrated with Tio the weekend before.  I was trying to use up food so I didn't go to the grocery store and the wait at Cracker Barrel was 2 hours long.  We drove around looking for anyplace that was open and wound up at Steak n'Shake.  Yes, this mostly vegetarian family celebrated their holiday at a burger joint.  Luckily, Little Miss is still too young to know what she's missing and she was able to make the most of it.

Were we able to get out by December 1?  Yes, but just barely.  It was a small miracle that the tenants didn't arrive to pick up the keys until 3:00 because we had the housecleaners just finish up and as they moved in the front, we were moving our stuff out the garage in the back.  
It would be another week before we actually had an apartment to move into, so lucky us got to move twice.  Thank goodness for Uncle Jon who let us crash at his apartment for the week in between.  However, now we've landed for the next few months until a more permanent place is complete.  Whew- rambling post complete.

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