Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sleepy Dust is Back

When buying baby carriers, mamas often talk about sleepy dust.  Sleepy Dust is that magical quality of the baby carrier which makes your baby so comfortable they lull to sleep.  Early on, Little Miss often fell asleep in any of her carriers, while hiking, talking at the coffee shop or any other activity.  It was great- I could carry on with my life while she napped.  This week I wore Little Miss for a hike and while I was walking I thought about past naps she took on my back and came to the conclusion that they were probably over.  (I think her upcoming 2nd birthday is making me all sappy and nostalgic.) 
This morning Little Miss and I decided to have a dance party.  Most normal dance parties involve music playing while both mama and child dance together.  Our dance parties involve music playing while Little Miss is held and I dance.  She really likes being up in the ring sling for dance parties and that makes it much easier on me.  She wasn't up for too long when she started getting droopy and laying her head on me.  It was a little weird because it was before lunch, but I just went with it and swayed slowly while the sleepy dust kicked in and she drifted off to sleep.  I was able to capture a few selfies of my beautiful sleeping beauty.
Look at how those beautiful cheeks just go on for days.  Not only did she peacefully slumber for a while up in the ring sling, I was able to undo the fabric and transfer her to the bed so she could take a long nap without me having to hold her.  A morning of remembering what it's like to have my baby back? Priceless.  

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