Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring Break 2015!

It's been quite a few years since I've thought about Spring Break.  I mean, there were some pretty epic ones in college (also some pretty tame), and there were those during my teaching years, but I just never really thought about how it'd impact my life anymore.  Little Miss' school follows the local school district's schedule and I found myself wondering what to do with our Spring Break.
Since our week of garage organization got sabotaged by an ice storm, hubs and I decided that it would be a good idea for me to take Little Miss up north to visit Grandma and he could tackle the garage by himself.
Little Miss and I made our first solo trip North in November and it went really well.  We stopped in Indy on the way and broke up the trip.  This was the first time that I was attempting to do the whole thing solo.  Little Miss was a superstar.  Like last time, we left at nap time.  After she woke up, I handed back a large snack and made sure she had lots of activities within reach.  This time we stopped at an outlet mall to stretch our legs.  She loved running up and down the hallways and sitting on all the fun moving toys.  A few hours later we made a stop for dinner at Cracker Barrel.  I love that for toddlers because there are lots of great options she'll actually eat, and they have a lot to keep her busy while we wait.  This time, Little Miss grabbed two stuffed toys and didn't let them go until our name was called.
As we left dinner it was getting dark and it wasn't too long before Little Miss went to sleep in the back and I could finish the drive.
Being back at the farm was fun.  We went splashing in puddles and Little Miss tracked these adorable, tiny footprints on the driveway.
We went to the filthiest playground ever (seriously, check out her bum) where Little Miss discovered a bar she could hang from.  That was really fun.

We went to story time at the local library.  It had a fun firetruck to climb on:
Puzzles you could put together:
And, of course, stories.  However, the real hit was a large stuffed seal.  We left story time repeatedly to spend time on the seal.
The weather up there was pretty nice- upper 50's and sunny. We had a nice walk on a local greenway one afternoon with Grandma.

Much of the snow that was there when we arrived melted away, but there was enough to explore.  Honestly, this is how I like to do snow- play with it in little amounts when you're not dressed up in tons of layers.
We had a lot of fun up north, but our week was up and it was time to head back down.  To break up the trip, we stayed with my high school best friend's mom.  Little Miss was a bit apprehensive in the new place, and Ma offered a teddy bear for comfort.  Little Miss was instantly smitten and was given the bear as a farewell gift.  We stopped at a mall where we could stretch our legs.  Little Miss tried on this hat at one store and wouldn't take it off.  She looked like a cute kiddie model.  Naturally, I had to buy it for her.
We then went outside to do some test driving.

After all this fun, we were able to make it home in pretty good time.  We're ready for our next adventure!

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