Saturday, April 25, 2015

Toilet Time (Kind of)

Lately Little Miss has become preoccupied with her diaper.  She loves taking it off and streaking through the apartment, she loves putting it on her stuffed friends, and she loves demanding a change as soon as it's wet or soiled.  I begrudgingly acknowledge that potty training might not be too far off.  Since Little Miss often grabs her diaper and gives an uncomfortable look signaling it's time for a change, we've started asking if she wants to sit on the potty- we even bought a seat that has a smaller seat attached that can go down for her.  It didn't take us long to grow tired of taking off her pants and diaper only to have her refuse sitting on the toilet.  One evening we tried having her sit on the toilet without taking off her pants.  She thought that was a grand game and even flashed one of her rare camera smiles.
She had fun for an evening, but she's only hit and miss about sitting on the toilet these days, even though she insists on constant diaper changes.  Hopefully the more she sits on the toilet, the less intimidating it'll be to her and it will make eventual potty training that much easier.

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