Sunday, September 20, 2015

Zoo for Days

Even though we live really close to the zoo now, I never really got in the habit of taking Little Miss.  There always seemed to be something else to do- play at a park, go for a hike, music class, meet friends, etc.  One day a group we're part of hosted a Zoo hike and we decided that it was time to check it out again.  We went slowly, but we really got to enjoy the exhibits this time and Little Miss had a blast.  Perhaps her favorite was the turtle exhibit where you could go in a pet the turtles.
While she wasn't keen to pet the turtles herself, she was delighted for me to do it and often guided my hand towards a turtle's back that needed attention.  While we were there we had the distinction of watching a turtle poop.  Apparently this made quite the impact because when we read a certain book now with a turtle character, she always points to it.  I say, 'turtle,' and she always replies, 'poop.'
The flamingos were also fun.

I decided that it might be time to actually commit to going so I bought a family membership.  This wound up being a really great thing for Daddy/Daughter Sunday mornings.  The zoo opens a full hour before other places in town, so now she and her daddy go out for breakfast and then hit the zoo most weekends.  As a consequence, I get to keep doing the fun things that I enjoy more around town, and she and her Daddy have fun exploring all the different parts of the zoo.  They found a cool playground area.

He also indulges her on rides like the carousel.
I have mixed feelings about bringing my daughter to watch animals in captivity for entertainment but I'm glad that she and her father are having so much fun exploring all that it has to offer.

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