Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Birthday, Great-Grandma!

Last month my grandma turned 90.  Can you believe it- isn't she beautiful?  Her mother lived to be 104 so long life spans are in my gene pool :)  To celebrate, the entire family came together to visit and throw a big party.  Since we knew everyone would be arriving Friday and we didn't want to miss anything, we left Thursday after work and drove as far as we could.  It turns out we got pretty far and arrived at my grandma's nursing home before lunch.  It was wonderful to have that alone time with her and be able to kick of the weekend right.  We went for a walk of the grounds to stretch our legs and show Hubs and Little Miss around.  There's a garden there that the Master Gardener's Association maintains.  Little Miss enjoyed walking around there.
She also enjoyed a little shenanigans with Daddy.  It looks like a vampire scene, but there was no biting involved and she loved it.
After we walked around for a bit we decided it was time for lunch.  We drove to the town square and had a delicious farm-to-table meal.  As we walked out we casually walked towards the square, when we suddenly noticed a splash pad right in the center.  We didn't even discuss it- we all naturally gravitated towards it and let Little Miss have some fun.

She got totally soaked, but luckily the car was still packed and we were able to get a spare outfit from our luggage.  She loved it.  Since it was the middle of a school day, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  It was ideal.  After playing for a bit it was time for nap so we had to drop off great-grandma and head over to the hotel.  When we woke up, there was tons of family around.  She got to meet her cousin who is just a month younger.  They enjoyed 'playing' together- and by playing I mean following each other around and taking each other's stuff.
It was a huge weekend.  Not only did my whole family come in, but Mamaw, Papaw, Aunty Judy and Uncle Mike also made the trip up.  Once again, I was busy having fun with them and didn't snap pictures.  I have not one of the party (although my uncle is a photographer and captured it beautifully, I'm sure), but I did catch Little Miss completely passed out as we were walking back into the hotel afterwards.  Seriously, this kid never transfers, but she was out and sleeping hard.  There was a lot of stimulation.  This picture isn't flattering of Daddy because he was trying to lock the car through his pocket, but I wanted to capture a successful transfer for posterity.
It was an awesome weekend full of family, and stories and fun.  I'm so glad that we were able to make it up.  The good news is that Little Miss, Grandma and I will be visiting Great-Grandma in November just because.  I'm so lucky I get to spend so much time with her.  For now, Popcorn will wave and say, 'See you next time.'

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